Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sticky Note Madness 01

I'm currently feeling out how I want to draw the characters in my blog comic. Sorry for not keeping up with updates. Nothing like my yearly visit of depression! Yaaaay.
Anyways, I'm writing up ideas and soon this comic will continue with regular updates. So be happy!

This was scanned in from a sticky note I drew on at work. Obviously you cannot see the yellow since I scanned in Grey scale, but I don't see it as that big of a deal. I'll be putting up random sticky note drawings every now and then since that is what I have to draw on at work while things are loading. Fun stuff.

Free Comic Book Day is coming up in a couple of weeks, so get out there and grab some awesome comics! Expand your mind! Come on people, free stuff!!! I'll be venturing out and exploring the closest comic book store to me and seeing if it's good or not. What makes a comic book store good, you ask? Well! I like to be able to search a wide variety of comics (like Austin Comics or Dragon's Lair), which is ideal. I'm still trying to become familiar with my surroundings here in Pasadena so hopefully this place will be pretty good. I mean, anyone who participates in FCBD has got to be pretty okay, right? Am I right???

Anyway, I'm going to explore the new lunch room we have now at work.
Remember, don't stare at the sun.
